Active participation in Gita Mahotsav celebrated in Kurukshetra, the Dharma Sthala (Haryana) in which the students get a lot of prizes in different activities like Shaloka Uchcharna, quiz, debate, Rangoli, exhibition of The Bhagvadagita.
Lectures by Shri Gyananand Ji in school, orientation programme for the up gradation of SQ level of students.
The tips given by him for self realization and develop moral values are as follows:
- Wrong thinking is the only problem in life
- Right knowledge is the ultimate solution to all our problems.
- Selflessness is the only way toprogress and prosperity.
- Every act can be act of prayer.
- Connect to higher consciousness daily.
- Live what you learn.
- Never give up on yourself.
- Value your blessings.
- Absorb your mind in the higher
- Give priority to Divinity
- Being good is a reward in itself
The teacher and the students work hard to attain all these values.